Goodbye Google Analytics
I do not want analytics to influence my writing.This probably has been a long time coming. It all comes to down reducing things or clutter that do not serve a purpose.
In 2020, when I started this blog, the instructions I followed at the time, included setting up Google Analytics. I figured, it’s free, may as well have it. However, I rarely look at my analytics. I do not want anyone else to influence what I write. Having insights into my readers gives me the data showcasing which blog posts are popular and which ones are not. Obviously, it’s nice to see that my blog posts are popular. On the other hand, it’s disheartening to see that some of my blog posts have been super quiet in terms of viewership. However, I do not write because I want viewers. I write for myself first and foremost.
Therefore, I am removing this additional dataset from my knowledge bank. Therefore, from today, I will not know which blog posts are popular and which ones are not. Frankly, I do not need to know.
I am also one of those people who checks what trackers websites have enabled. Its good that I personally do not have Google tracker and that feels nice. Btw, I have no actual issues with Google. I use most of their services and actually recommend it. All my emails are hosted with Google. I am merely removing a service that I do not need.
I have no way of removing That appears to be installed by Ghost. I actually do not know why Cloudflare is there but it is likely helping me keep this blog up and running.
Kindly, I make one humble request to you, yes to you.. the reader of this blog. Please reach out to me ( if you have anything to say about my blog posts. I actually enjoy hearing from people from all over the world. Most times, I learn something new or discover an interesting way of thinking about something.
I wish you a great week ahead 😀